Saluki’s – our best friends …
As we had at the time a Welsh Corgi bitch with us, the Bedouin refused to sell us a Saluki. We tried our luck to persuade the Bedouin again a year later – and we were lucky to get Sheba, our red Saluki bitch. She travelled with us back home to Switzerland in 1972. After some time it showed up that she was not a pure bred Saluki, most probably she had some Collie blood. After returning to Switzerland, our Welsh Corgi had a deadly car accident. Sheba missed her so sadly that we started to look for a new companion. This time it had to be a pure bred Saluki. And so, the five month old «Merit Eski Serail’s» , a fast, successful and adorable bitch came to live with us. With her I started the «Tal Amal» Kennel in 1977. We moved in June 1997 to the South of France. In 1977, the «Tal Amal» prefix was not internationally registered. That’s why I started in France with the kennel name «Al Firdous». The «Tal Amal» prefix was used for 3 more years by Maria-Teresa Alcantara. Afterwards she started with her own kennel name. «Al Firdous» is a new name, bud my aim is still the same: to breed friendly Saluki’s for performance and beauty! The «Al Firdous» Saluki’s are well known at show’s, racing’s and on coursing’s. I am very proud of the fact that all «Tal Amal’s» and «Al Firdous» Saluki’s have a friendly and open character. For me it is very important to live in harmony together with my Saluki’s. You will find on the following pages Saluki’s out of the Tal Amal and Al Firdous Kennels.